Cave House
Ultimul proiect la care lucrez se axeaza pe arhitectura ecologica si relatia acestor materiale bio cu spatiul interior. In cautarea mea dupa cladiri eco am gasit o casa, semnata Alexandre de Betak, localizata intr-un mic oras Mallorcan.
Lately I've been searching a lot for eco friendly architecture, I saw so many awesome designes but I love this one by Alexandre de Betak. It's located near the coast in a small Mallorcan village and it keeps the rocks geometry and graphics.
Lately I've been searching a lot for eco friendly architecture, I saw so many awesome designes but I love this one by Alexandre de Betak. It's located near the coast in a small Mallorcan village and it keeps the rocks geometry and graphics.
Creativity for happiness
Intamplator am descoperit site-ul lui Josh Boston si mi-a placut in mod special aceasta ilustratie :)
I found this site and it's so cute that i needed to share :)
I found this site and it's so cute that i needed to share :)
Old shoes / new cute shoes
Azi am fost la cumparaturi, am cotrobait prin targuri si printre multe alte lucruri cumparate, am dat si peste o pereche de ghetute. Au costat foarte putin datorita unor defecte in lateral, asa ca am incercat sa ii repar. In general am foarte multi nasturi prin casa, deci m-am decis sa folosesc nasturi pentru restaurare. Uitati ce a iesit dupa 10 minute de cusut....mie imi place rezultatul final, sper ca si voua. :)
Hey guys. Today I went shopping on some flea markets and I bought (very cheap) some old thrift boots with a problem on the right side ( it's look like little stings and yellow glue). I tried to fix them but the only useful solution was to apply something on the imperfection. Generally you can find buttons in my house :) so I came with the idea of stitching some buttons on. Anyway I like the final result.
Hey guys. Today I went shopping on some flea markets and I bought (very cheap) some old thrift boots with a problem on the right side ( it's look like little stings and yellow glue). I tried to fix them but the only useful solution was to apply something on the imperfection. Generally you can find buttons in my house :) so I came with the idea of stitching some buttons on. Anyway I like the final result.
Halloween deco.
I always loved Halloween, and not for the celebration itself but for the desire to decorate and the awesome colors. You can play as you like with pumpkins, acorns and autumn browns. I haven't had enough time to make one myself but I 'll show you what I've found on some design and Diy blogs.
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