Old shoes / new cute shoes
Azi am fost la cumparaturi, am cotrobait prin targuri si printre multe alte lucruri cumparate, am dat si peste o pereche de ghetute. Au costat foarte putin datorita unor defecte in lateral, asa ca am incercat sa ii repar. In general am foarte multi nasturi prin casa, deci m-am decis sa folosesc nasturi pentru restaurare. Uitati ce a iesit dupa 10 minute de cusut....mie imi place rezultatul final, sper ca si voua. :)
Hey guys. Today I went shopping on some flea markets and I bought (very cheap) some old thrift boots with a problem on the right side ( it's look like little stings and yellow glue). I tried to fix them but the only useful solution was to apply something on the imperfection. Generally you can find buttons in my house :) so I came with the idea of stitching some buttons on. Anyway I like the final result.
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